Kuka on Se Oikea?

perjantaina, elokuuta 11, 2006

Iso Ikävä

When I'm in Berlin you're off to London
When I'm in New York you're doing Rome
All those crazy nights we spend together
As voices on the phone

Wishing we could be more telepathic
Tired of the nights I sleep alone
Wishing we could redirect the traffic
And we find ourselves a home

Can you feel the raindrops in the desert
Have you seen the sunrays in the dark
Do you feel my love when I'm not present
Standing by your side while miles apart

Bodies without organs - Sunshine in the rain

P.S. Martin Rolinski on muuten kaunein koskaan näkemäni poikanen :). Ensinäkemältä luulin naiseksi, sitten homoksi, lopulta totesin hänen olevan enkeli...

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